Our Family History

In 1995, Jean and William (Bill) Babcock gifted a book of family history to their five children - Fred, Marion, Scott, Hugh, and Bruce.

The Babcock family continues to grow and spread across Canada. Some members of the family may not have access to the original family history book that Jean and Bill created. This website will allow us to share an online, digitized version of the family history for everyone to access.

The idea to digitize the family history text is something that I have wanted to do since I began working as an archivist. I hope that people enjoy browsing and searching it as much as I enjoyed reading it and transforming it for the web. I shared this project with Gramma Babcock during Christmas, 2014. I wanted to let her know that the time she and Grandpa invested into collecting our family story is something we all hold precious. Their research and their words are the initiation of our collected family history, which will remain important to all of us - now and in the future.

Kelli Babcock, 2014.12.22

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